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Happy Holidays from your Farmers!

Hello All,

Happy December!

We returned from an amazing farmer vacation where we got to explore Italy, Switzerland and Denmark, visiting family and friends, hiking and eating so much good food. I have attached a few photos below.

Farm Work

Upon our return (on Thanksgiving Day!) we jumped back into farm work. The past two weeks we have been working to disassemble four hoop houses we are getting from a farmer friend and transport back to our farm. It has taken us five days! At the home farm we are building a new hoop house and just finished pounding the ground posts before the ground froze. This hoop house will eventually be for starting seedlings and in ground growing. Hopefully it will be completed by this spring.

Veggie News

In vegetable news, we have been harvesting some beautiful spinach that we planted in one of our hoop houses and delivering to Green Grocer and The Root. We still have tons of garlic stored in the root cellar and we spread straw yesterday over next year's garlic.  Although we have had some cold windy days we have also gotten some nice sun and warmth to complete these tasks. Now is also the time of year for seed organizing, ordering and planning for next year. On cold wet days I have been working on our seed order and crop plan which I aim to complete by the New Year.

Chicken Updates

The chickens are staying cozy in the caterpillar tunnel and have been steadily producing eggs and scratching about in the grass and even the snow. You can find eggs at Nature's Green Grocer, in the food at The Root, and if you visit Nubi, in the Common House in a mini fridge. We also have bagged garlic for sale next to the egg fridge. Let me know if there are any questions about this.

Next Season

Look for an email after the New Year regarding the farm season ahead and some opportunities to be involved and support the farm. We are excited for the upcoming season and have lots of ideas in the works. A reminder there will be NO CSA next year. However, our Farm Store will be open starting in late April and there will be plenty of opportunities to support the farm, eat delicious veggies and enjoy flowers and herbs. 

In the meantime, are you looking for some farm themed holiday gifts? See below. Thanks for reading!

Festive Farm Goodies Available

We have a few farm goodies still available for pre-order before or after the holidays! 

Please respond to this email with your order. You can order at anytime.

Pickup in the Common House at Nubi


$12/lb ($10/lb if you order over 2lbs!)




$35 3 quart special

Hall Apiaries Honey

$20/2lb jar

Some of the best honey available in New England! Pesticide free, local to New Hampshire and raw. Hall Apiaries We have 2lb jars left from the Farm Store this year and might make a great gift!

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