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CSA Week 8: Hot and Halfway Through!

Hello Members, This week marks the mid point of our CSA. Eight weeks remaining after today and August is right around the corner. We are looking toward fall, hopefully transplanting some of our fall brassicas, flipping some summer beds, as well as the usual harvesting and maintenance of the summer crops. I am sitting in front of the fan as I write, catching a cool breeze as the sun beats down outside. Many of the plants seem to enjoy the heat, but it has taken a toll on others. The broccoli and cauliflower do not enjoy it and start to bolt (flower) early because they are so stressed out. Humans too, tend to bolt for any nearby body of water, and most afternoons you can find us in the river soaking in the cool water. Cauliflower will be in shares this week, although it looks a little funky. If cauliflower gets too much sun and heat it gets discolored. The heads may be slightly yellow and could have some brown spots. BUT, we harvested and ate one last night for dinner and it was still delicious! Just cut out the brown spots and enjoy. Last week we harvested all of our garlic. We had some great help and brought them into our mini hoop house to cure. We are growing a few different varieties including Red Russian, Music and German Extra Hardy, as well as a number of fun ones that my cousin gifted us with last fall. Garlic takes 10-14 days to cure, so soon they will appear in shares. We have been bringing in hundreds of pounds of full size tomatoes from the hoop house; reds, purples and oranges. At lunch we eat big slices of tomatoes on buttered bread and call it a meal! Ah the beauty and deliciousness of July. Please please remember to bring granola jars, pint and quart containers and rubber bands back, we reuse them. Make sure to read our whole newsletter for updates recipe ideas and important information.

CSA Pickup Important Reminders Pickup is from 3pm-5:30pm at Nubanusit Neighborhood and Farm. If you can't make it for any reason, send us an email, we have options! Please bring used granola jars back. As well as rubber bands, pint and quart containers. Check out our selection of Orchard Hill bread and cookies at pickup! This week's cookie is Whole Wheat Chocolate Chip. Bring a reusable bag to pack your share into. We also encourage you to bring your own produce storage bags. Our veggies can last weeks if stored properly! Click the document below for tips on storing your produce. Vegetable_Storage_Tips.pdf

Keep scrolling for recipes ideas...

What's in my share this week?

This week may include:

Kale - chop leaves sauté with oil, salt and pepper, add to pasta dishes, even smoothies or pancakes. Leaf Lettuce - a mix of 3 leaf lettuces, red and green. Head Lettuce - mostly red, the deer have eaten the green! Fresh Onions - the first of the onions. These haven't been cured yet so are fresh but use as you would any onion. Make sure to store in the fridge. Cauliflower - this is our first attempt at cauliflower and it looks a little funny. It has gotten too much sun so is slightly yellow and may have brown spots but still tastes delicious! Just cut off brown parts and enjoy. Green Beans - delicious raw or steamed. This variety is called rattlesnake and although they have purple lines when raw they turn green when cooked. Carrots - so sweet and young, best eaten raw in my opinion. Beets - mostly red, some yellow. Saute, roast or make into hummus. Zucchini (green, yellow and patty pan)- chop and sauté with oil and salt and add to any bowl, sauté, salad etc. Cucumbers - great for snacking or salads. Cherry Tomatoes - so sweet, the perfect snack, add to salads or roast. Full Size Tomatoes - red, yellow and purple, perfect for BLTs and other sandwiches, chopping into salads, adding to soups or just eating like an apple! Green Cabbage - coleslaw, use as a wrap, sauté with salt, pepper and curry powder (my personal favorite). Pick Your Own This Week - chives, parsley, thyme, rosemary, sage, lemon balm, chamomile and flowers (zinnias, marigolds, cosmos, calendula, sunflowers). How our CSA works: When you arrive at pickup you will see tables with bins of veggies. Please read the whiteboard before you start so you are familiar with the process. There will be 12-14 items to choose from, you may choose 8 of these items. For example one item may be 1 bunch of swiss chard, 4 beets, or 1 bag of lettuce mix. If you want more of something you may take 2 or more of that item but that counts for 2 (or more) of your 8 items. If you have questions about this please ask! Remember to only take what you enjoy and if you don't want 8 items, take less!

Not a CSA Member? Find us around the Monadnock Region!

There are many ways to engage with the farm even if you don't get a share each week!

  1. Pop-Up veggie cart on Tuesdays from 3pm-6pm in front of the West Peterborough Post Office

  2. Shop our Farm Store any day of the week, during daylight hours at Nubanusit Neighborhood and Farm (Pro-Tip! We stock the store on Wednesdays after CSA so a great day to get the most variety).

  3. Join our CSA! We have a few spots left with a pro-rated price depending on how many weeks remaining.

  4. Find our veggies at these local spots around the Monadnock region

    • The Root, Temple

    • Nature's Green Grocer, Peterborough

    • Vital Provisions, Peterborough

    • Rosaly's Farmstand, Peterborough

    • The Optimist Cafe, Jaffrey

Recipes Ideas:

I made this chocolate zucchini bread the other night for a fun treat with a friend and it was delicious! We probably at half a zucchini in about 5 minutes :) We made it gluten free but you could use any flour here. We also used green and yellow zucchini but anything works, even patty pan! My other recommendation for these hot days is a classic BLT. Snag some Archway Farm bacon from the farm store, make sure you get lettuce and tomatoes in your CSA, get a loaf of Orchard Hill bread and you are all set! It is peak BLT season in our humble opinions.

Send us your recipes if you tried something and love it!

THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! We are excited to be growing for you.

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