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CSA Week 7: Garlic Harvest


Hello All,

We have been working on harvesting our garlic this past week and are about halfway through. We have 7,000 heads to harvest and hang in the barn. We grow 15 different kinds of garlic which is always a bit tricky when harvesting to keep all the varieties separated and accounted for. Once we finish harvesting, we direct seed beds of fall carrots where the garlic grew. Carrots like following garlic and the farmers like the routine of one crop following the next. 

Now that the weather has cooled, we have turned toward transplanting our fall crops. On Friday we planted broccoli and later this week we will plant more kale, chard and broccolini. Once the heat finally broke I felt a shift in the feeling of summer. The farm atmosphere went from muggy, hot and overwhelming, to cooler and slightly more manageable. I could feel Mother Nature taking ahold of the reins, slowing things down just slightly, allowing us to breathe deeper. 

Today we harvested over 100 pounds of full size tomatoes, the most we have ever harvested in one day! We are excited to share all the shapes and colors with you tomorrow. We are also introducing eggplant and green cabbage this week and celery is back. The farm is full of flavors and colors this time of year, we hope you enjoy!

Not a CSA Member?

Our Farm Store is open every day and is self serve. Send us an email or give us a call with any questions. We stock it on Wednesday afternoons. Currently lots of tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, lettuce and more can be found in the store.

Find our produce and eggs at Nature's Green Grocer, Rosaly's Farmstand, Roy's Market and in the delicious food at The Root Cafe in Temple.

Please return egg cartons, pint containers and granola jars to the Farm Store. We greatly appreciate it!

What's in my share this week?


This week may include:

Kale - chop leaves and stems and sauté with oil, salt and pepper.

Swiss Chard - rainbow chard bunches. Best sautéed with oil and soy sauce. 

Green Cabbage -  the first of the cabbage. Great in coleslaw, lightly sauted with curry powder or as a wrap.C

elery - flavorful bunches good for soups, stir fries or eaten raw

Leaf Lettuce - a mix of red and green flat and curly. Washed, bagged and ready to salad!

Bell and Frying Peppers - a mix of green and purple bell and long frying peppers. One of our favorite crops to grow. Soon there will be reds and oranges as well. All sweet.

Carrots - sweet, orange and delicious. Enjoy raw, dipped in hummus or stir fried.

Eggplants - beautiful purple. Not sure what to do with eggplant? See recipe ideas below.

Summer Squash - zucchini, yellow summer squash and patty pan. All go great in stir fries or as a soup. If you aren't a huge squash fan try chocolate zucchini muffins to get your veggies in.

Cucumbers  - still pumping out many pounds. Maybe time for pickles?

Onions - red and yellow fresh onions. Best stored in the fridge.

Cherry Tomatoes - a mix of gold, red and peach. Tastes like summer!

Full Size Tomatoes - yellow and orange striped, purple and classic red. 

Green Beans - long, slender and sweet. Steam lightly or eat raw.

Available for Pick your Own




Lemon Balm




FLOWERS! What flowers do we have on the farm?Sunflowers





Mexican Sunflower









Pick your own herbs, flowers and peas are open any time. If you don't have time on Tuesdays, come back another day, we would love to see you.

CSA Pickup Important Reminders

Pickup is from 2pm-5:30pm at Nubanusit Neighborhood and Farm, Peterborough, NH, 03458.

Please bring a few reusable bags to pack your share into.

Remember! 8 Week Shares can pickup any 8 weeks over the 16 week season. You are in charge of making sure you pickup 8 times throughout the season. If you already know which dates you will be picking up, please let me know by responding to this email.

If you can't make pick up one week, please let me know as soon as possible. We have options!

Remember to wash your produce once you get home and store properly. Our veggies can last weeks if stored properly! Click the document below for tips on storing your produce. Leafy greens will last 2+ weeks if stored in a sealed plastic bag.


Recipe ideas below!

Recipes Ideas:

Eggplant can be tricky for some but this pasta with eggplant bolognese is comforting and delicious. You can also try grilling eggplant with summer squash and garlic scapes or making an easy baba ganoushI like to saute cabbage with oil, salt and pepper and add a few teaspoons of curry powder right at the end of cooking. Cabbage is also great in salads mixed with kale, beets, even lettuce or napa cabbage. There are so many options!We are still cranking on the cucumbers so now is a great time to make pickles if you wanted to take extra. A Farm Store customer shared his dill pickle recipe with us, here it is:4 cucumbers1 onion1 bell pepper2 tsp salt1/2 cup white vinegar3/4 cup sugar1 TBS chopped fresh dillSlice cucumbers and place in a bowl. Add onion and pepper and combine. Add salt. Let sit at room temperature for 2 hours stirring occasionally. Combine the vinegar and sugar in a bowl until sugar dissolves. Pour over the cucumber and pepper. Sprinkle dill on top. Cover and refrigerate for 24 hours.Have fun! Send us recipes if you tried something and loved it.THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! We are excited to be growing for you. See you on Tuesday.

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