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CSA Week 3: Rapid Growth

Hello All, Yesterday we did our weekly field walk, checking on plant growth, pests and of course snacking on veggies. This time of year the plants quite literally grow overnight, soaking in all the good rain over the weekend. In the hoop houses the first cucumbers have ripened and the tomatoes aren't far behind. We spied the first heads of broccoli and cabbage and the peas have doubled since last week's picking. We had a few surprise visitors in the field, it isn't just humans who love veggies! The deer have been exploring what isn't fenced in, nibbling on our peas and sunflowers and breaking through some of our row cover used to protect plants. We also found a turtle looking for a cozy spot to lay her eggs right next to the tomatoes. She knocked down a few tomato trellises in the process. We work with and around the natural world though, putting back the tomato trellises, using a garlic spray to deter the deer and of course fencing wherever we can. We have some exciting new items both in shares and in pick your own areas this week so read the list carefully. The recipe at the bottom uses bunching broccoli which is new to us this year as well as garlic scapes. Enjoy. Please remember to bring back pots and trays if you bought plant starts this year as well as glass granola jars, we will reuse everything. Seedling Sale! We have an excess of nasturtiums, strawflower, sage, basil, regular thyme, tomatoes, peppers and eggplants. Pickup at CSA or any day during the week. Tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, sage $3/pot, everything else $1/block. Not a CSA member? Our Farm Store is open every day dawn to dusk and is self serve. We stock the store on Wednesdays so that is a great time to come shop. You can also find our produce at Nature's Green Grocer, The Root and Rosaly's Garden. Feel free to come by the farm anytime to walk around and say hello.

CSA Pickup Important Reminders Pickup is from 3pm-5:30pm at Nubanusit Neighborhood and Farm, Peterborough, NH, 03458. If you are unable to make it to CSA pickup, please let me know! We have options. Please bring a reusable bag to pack your share into. We wash most of our produce before distribution but its always a good idea to give everything a rinse before you eat it. Our veggies can last weeks if stored properly! Click the document below for tips on storing your produce. Vegetable_Storage_Tips.pdf

Keep scrolling for recipes ideas...

What's in my share this week?

This week may include:

Kale - chop leaves and stems and sauté with oil, salt and pepper. Head Lettuce - green romaine and red curly. Great for salads or lettuce wraps. Summer Lettuce Mix- a mix of red and green flat and curly. Washed, bagged and ready to salad! Spinach - big, dark green leaves. Best sautéed, as a salad or in eggs with cheese in the morning (a farmer favorite). Tokyo Bekana and Mizuna Mix - a mildly spicy mix of asian greens. Crisp like lettuce. Eat in a salad or lightly saute with soy sauce and garlic scapes. Arugula - spicy baby green, great in salads or sautéed. a mildly spicy mix of asian greens. Crisp like lettuce. Eat in a salad or lightly saute with soy sauce and garlic scapes. Swiss Chard - beautifully rainbow and so tender. The first chard of the season is always the best. Bunching Broccoli - flowering broccolini. Very mild and tender and best sautéed with garlic (or garlic scapes!) as a side dish. Garlic Scapes - a seasonal favorite. Scapes are the top growth point from each garlic plant that must be harvested for a garlic clove to fully form. Use as you would garlic or onions (use the whole scape) or make a delicious pesto (see recipe!) Bok Choy - great chopped and sautéed with butter, salt or roasted. Pea Shoots - a favorite microgreen. These sweet pea tendrils are best eaten plain or atop salads and soups. Plant Seedling - we have leftover seedlings from our Plant Sales this year. If you are still planting your garden, grab a seedling or two! We have tomatoes, peppers, eggplants and some herbs and flowers. Available for Pick Your Own -a farmer will show you where to pick! Peas Cilantro Parsley Chives Thyme Lemon Balm Coming Soon: Basil

Recipes Ideas:

Hurray for garlic scape season! This week we will pick hundreds of these curly friends. A farmer's favorite way to eat them is in garlic scape pesto which can be put on eggs, toast, pasta, the list goes on! Since basil isn't quite ready, try substituting with arugula, bekana or mizuna for the same green effect. If dairy free use nutritional yeast. Our first year growing bunching broccoli and how perfect it graces shares the same week as garlic scapes. This flowering broccoli is best kept simple; sautéed with garlic scapes and oil and eaten as a side dish. Send us your recipes if you tried something and loved it! THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! We are excited to be growing for you.

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