Hello All,
We have been working long days. Our seemingly endless to do list on top of the upcoming heat wave, has us scrambling. We spent the weekend getting all of our hoop house work done so we don't have to go in during the hottest days. We weeded, trellised and mulched everything with straw. We are hoping the straw will keep some cool moisture in the ground for the plants.
On Sunday we realized our garlic scapes needed to be harvested and we got over 50lbs of scapes. Look for this seasonal goodie in shares this week. The next 3 days are going to be scorching, so we will be up before first light to get everything harvested and into the cooler for shares tomorrow. That is all for today, I don't have much energy for writing. Gotta go keep farming.
If you are an 8 week member and know you won't be picking up tomorrow, please let us know! It helps us with harvest numbers.
What's in my share this week?
This week may include:
Kale - chop leaves and stems and sauté with oil, salt and pepper.
Swiss Chard - rainbow bunches, great sauted with oil, soy sauce and sesame seeds. Pro Tip - saute the stems first to give them a chance to soften.
Head Lettuce - our favorite red and green curly heads. Great for salads or lettuce wraps.
Leaf Lettuce - a mix of red and green flat and curly. Washed, bagged and ready to salad!
Bok Choy - baby heads great in sautes or grilled.
Scallions - use as you would onions, in soups, stir fries, sauces or salads. You can use all of the white and most of the green part.
Garlic Scapes- it is scape season! On Sunday we harvested scapes which is the flowering tip of the garlic plant. These have to be harvested in order for the garlic bulb to size up. See below for some recipe ideas, scape pesto anyone?
Radishes - a spicy spring snack. Best eaten fresh, on salads, even on pizza.
Salad Turnips - don't be fooled by the turnip name, these turnips are sweet and delicious. We like them fresh out of the field and they are great on salads too, try one!
Parsnips - overwintered and sweetened by cold, we dug these up in April.
Plant Seedling - we have leftover seedlings from our Plant Sales this year. If you are still planting your garden, grab a seedling or two! We have tomatoes, peppers, oregano, sage, basil, thyme and limited parsley.
Available for Pick your Own
Peas - snap and snow, the rows are loaded!
Lemon Balm
Pick your own herbs, flowers and peas are open any time. If you don't have time on Tuesdays, come back another day and get what you need.
Dried Flower Bouquets
We have a few bouquets left, if you didn't get one last week, take a peek.