Hello All,
These cool sunny days are quite simply a blessing and we have been relishing in the beauty of working on the farm in this weather. Today we harvested our delicata squash which is a seasonal treat. Find it in CSA this week! After clipping the pretty fruits from the vines we pulled the dead plants into huge piles and piled them into the compost. We grow our winter squash on tarps to help with weed control. After cleaning up the vines we pulled up the tarp to reveal bare soil ready to be covered cropped for winter. To be honest this wasn't our best year for winter squash mostly due to lack of space and time. The delicata looks beautiful though and we will see in a few weeks about the butternut squash.
The CSA season is winding down, we have 3 more CSA pickups (including this week). Wow how the time has flown. As a reminder our Farm Store will be open through October. We will have winter squash, lettuce mix, carrots, onions, garlic and more to share. See you on the farm!
Not a CSA Member?
Our Farm Store is open every day and is self serve. Send us an email or give us a call with any questions. We stock it on Wednesday afternoons. Currently lots of tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, carrots and more can be found in the store.
Find our produce and eggs at Nature's Green Grocer, Rosaly's Farmstand, Roy's Market and in the delicious food at The Root Cafe in Temple.
Please return egg cartons, pint containers and granola jars to the Farm Store. We greatly appreciate it!
What's in my share this week?
This week may include:
Kale - green and red curly. Great stir fried, as a kale salad or in soups.
Swiss Chard - rainbow chard best sautéed with oil, soy sauce and sesame seeds.
Leaf Lettuce - a mix of red and green flat and curly. Our new fall beds of leaf lettuce are full grown and we are excited.
Bell and Frying Peppers - All sweet, although we have had the occasional spicy one this summer due to cross pollination.
Beets - I alternate weeks with beets and carrots and it is a beet week! Mostly gold, some red.
Delicata Squash - we harvested the delicata today and it looks beautiful! Best roasted with oil, salt, cinnamon, maybe even a dash of syrup.
Green Beans - best steamed and lightly salted.
Cucumbers - he cucumbers are slowing down as we have flipped two beds of cukes to fall leaf lettuce. So this might be the last week for cucumbers.
Cherry Tomatoes - a mix of gold, red and peach. Tastes like summer!
Full Size Tomatoes - yellow and orange striped, purple and classic red.
Cabbage - ready for coleslaw or to be sauted.
Onions - red and yellow. The base of so many recipes.
Garlic - we will have garlic at CSA until the end of the season, make sure to grab some if you are out.
Leeks - potato leeks soup is a favorite but leeks are versatile and can be used in so many things.
Potatoes - yummy white and purple. We harvested the rest of the potatoes this weekend and the fingerlings had the best yield. Roast them up and enjoy!
Available for Pick your Own
Lemon Balm
FLOWERS! What flowers do we have on the farm?Sunflowers
Mexican Sunflower
Pick your own herbs, flowers and peas are open any time. If you don't have time on Tuesdays, come back another day, we would love to see you.
CSA Pickup Important Reminders
Pickup is from 2pm-5:30pm at Nubanusit Neighborhood and Farm, Peterborough, NH, 03458.
Please drive SLOWLY through the neighborhood and park safely near the barn.
Please bring a few reusable bags to pack your share into.
Remember! 8 Week Shares can pickup any 8 weeks over the 16 week season. You are in charge of making sure you pickup 8 times throughout the season.
If you can't make pick up one week, please let me know as soon as possible. We have options!
Remember to wash your produce once you get home and store properly. Our veggies can last weeks if stored properly! Click the document below for tips on storing your produce. Leafy greens will last 2+ weeks if stored in a sealed plastic bag.
Recipe ideas below!
This time of year feels perfecting for roasting with cooler nights and all the root veggies available. I love roasting carrots, beets and now delicata and adding them to a rice bowl or over a salad.
If you are feeling a little more adventurous maybe try this delicata squash soup or a delicata squash salad.
It is also the season for potato leek combination and I came across this potato, leek and white bean salad that looks intriguing.
Have fun! Send us recipes if you tried something and loved it.
We are excited to be growing for you. See you on Tuesday.