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CSA Week 13: Melons and Fall CSA Signups


Hello All, I hope everyone is in a nice routine of gathering your egg cartons, granola jars and pint and quart containers on Monday evenings for delivery back to the farm tomorrow. Round them up! Happy September! We just got home from a lovely extended family weekend away on Cape Cod. Our annual gathering of cousins, aunts and uncles that now includes cousins from the next generation. It feels magical to get some time by the ocean with family and rest our tired farmer bodies. This week on the farm looks hot and busy. We have four more weeks of summer CSA, lots of potatoes to harvest, new transplants to weed and plenty of other veggies to harvest, wash and pack for distribution to you all. In shares this week we have melons! A true summer treat, we have both watermelons and cantaloupes and while they are limited, they are so delicious. We can't guarantee each melon, but the ones we have tried are very yummy. Final important note, Fall CSA signups are open now! See detailed information below. We are looking forward to our Second Annual Farm Party on Saturday September 16th. All are invited. More information below. Please remember to bring back egg cartons, granola jars, pint and quart containers, rubber bands and black plant sale pots. We will reuse them!

Fall CSA Signups

  • Fall CSA runs for four Tuesdays in October (October 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th).

  • 4 weeks - $200

  • Winter squash, potatoes, greens, garlic, brussel sprouts, carrots, beets, cabbage and more.

  • PYO flowers and herbs open at all times to CSA members (flowers limited because the season is ending).

  • We are looking for work shares as well (trade 4 hours of farm work per week for a CSA share). Send us an email if you are interested.

  • Donate towards a share for the Peterborough Food Pantry!

  • We are limiting Fall CSA to 40 shares.

Please CLICK HERE to signup for a fall share or to donate toward a Food Pantry share. Let us know if you have any questions.

Farm Party Saturday September 16th, 3pm - Join Us!

Please join us on Saturday September 16th on the common at Nubanusit Neighborhood and Farm for a farm tour, live music, games, a potluck dinner and more. Please bring a dish to share. RSVP on this google sheet. We welcome everyone to join us, as you are what makes our farm successful. I will also have a signup sheet at CSA pickup the next few weeks if you would like to RSVP in person. Below is the schedule of events.

3pm - Farm Tour 4:30pm - Live music with Casey and Molly. Cocktails and mocktails will be served 5:30pm - Farm inspired potluck dinner 6:30pm - Dancing with more live music 7:15pm - Toasts of gratitude and appreciation for our farm and land with champagne and non-alcoholic sparkling cider

Please reach out with any questions, and we hope to see you there.

CSA Pickup Important Reminders Pickup is from 3pm-5:30pm at Nubanusit Neighborhood and Farm, Peterborough, NH, 03458. If you are unable to make it to CSA pickup, please let me know! We have options such as picking up double, donating to the food pantry or having your share packed. Please bring a reusable bag to pack your share into. We wash most of our produce before distribution but its always a good idea to give everything a rinse before you eat it. Our veggies can last weeks if stored properly! Click the document below for tips on storing your produce. Vegetable_Storage_Tips.pdf

Keep scrolling for recipes ideas...

What's in my share this week?

This week may include: **As always we sometimes don't know until harvest day what will be ready and of good quality, but we do our best to give you a rough idea **

Green, Red, Orange and Yellow Sweet Peppers - combination of colorful long frying peppers and red, orange and yellow bells. Great for sautes or eaten raw. The long frying peppers may seem strange but they are sweet and oh so delicious. Specialty Peppers - shishito (not spicy, great for grilling or eating fresh), poblano (spicy), jalapeno (spicy), mad hatter (not spicy, fun hat shape), hot paper lantern (VERY spicy habanero). Lunchbox peppers- these small peppers are SO SWEET and super fun to grow. One of Jasen's favorite things to grow and eat. Melons - watermelons and cantaloupes. Every year we grow just enough melons for CSA because who doesn't love eating a NH grown melon once a year? We have tried a few and both the watermelons and cantaloupes are sweet and delicious. We can't guarantee each melon, but we try! Item LIMITED 1 per share. Kale - chop leaves and stems and sauté with oil, salt and pepper. Swiss Chard - we took a break from chard but it is back and as delicious as ever. My favorite way to cook it is sautéed with oil until tender (pro tip, stems first so they have time to tenderize). Add a dash of soy sauce and sesame seeds at the end and enjoy! Head Lettuce - big red heads of curly lettuce. Cherry Tomatoes - mixed 1/2 pints of colorful cherries. Eat straight from the pint or mix into salad, pasta dishes and stir fries. Full Size Tomatoes - we have red, yellow, purple and yellow striped. Potatoes - delicious roasted with oil, salt, pepper and herbs. Red Long of Tropea Onions - specialty long red onion. Use like you would any onion. Garlic - cured and ready for anything you might need it for. have you tried roasting whole cloves in the pan with veggies and then smooshing it when done? Available for Pick Your Own -

  • Basil

  • Parsley (curly)

  • Mint

  • Lemon Balm

  • Oregano

  • Sage

  • Tulsi

  • Chives

  • Lavender

  • All flowers

Recipes Ideas:

I probably don't need to tell anyone how to eat a melon, but my preferred method is cubed and eaten with my fingers, juice running down your chin optional. For other recipe ideas my Mom and sister have been making some delicious creations.

My Mom has been making this super simple, but packed with farm goodness, soup this past week. Perfect for a quick dinner.







Sausage (find it in the Farm Store)

Water or Broth

Coconut Milk

Saute onions and garlic in oil until golden. Add cubed potatoes and carrots and stir. Add sausauge and broth and bring to a boil. Simmer for 20 minutes. Add coconut milk and chopped kale and continue to simmer. Enjoy with bread, cheese and avocado.

While my sister was visiting last week she made some delicious blistered shishito peppers. I had her text me the recipe. I ate almost the whole bowl, yum. Grab some shishitos at CSA tomorrow and try them yourself. Super easy to whip up.

-Toss peppers in a small amount of avocado or olive oil

-Add them to an almost smoking cast iron pan and cook until sides are blistering and peppers have wilted slightly

-Take out of pan and top with lemon zest and salt and enjoy dipped in a garlic aioli

-Another option is to toss the peppers in soy sauce, sesame oil and sesame seeds once out of pan

Garlic Aioli

-Mix crushed and minced garlic, mayo and lemon juice together. Enjoy!

I highly recommendDishing Up The Dirtwebsite for recipe inspiration. She is a farmer and separates recipes by vegetable and season.

Send us your recipes if you tried something and loved it!

THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! We are excited to be growing for you.

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